. All HIV-positive patients attending outpatient departments (OPDs) and admitted as inpatients during the above period were included in the study. Initial screening for HIV was done by the rapid test and, if positive, was confirmed by two different types of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Patients already on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) were not included. Age, weight, probable time of first high-risk behaviour and CD4+ counts were noted. A complete medical history and physical examination of patients was carried out for optimal evaluation and diagnosis of dermatological and venereological lesions. The diagnosis was based on clinical criteria in most of the cases. Appropriate laboratory tests like scraping for fungus/candida, culture, skin biopsy, Cutaneous manifestations of HIV-a detailed study of morphological variants, markers of advanced disease, and the changing spectrum
RESULTSInfections were the most common group of mucocutaneous manifestations, while onychomycosis was the commonly observed individual manifestation. A different set of cutaneous markers for advanced HIV disease was observed and new parameters for therapy were also arrived at. MJAFI 2012;68:20-27