terms: 'haemangiopericytoma and kidney', 'renal haemangiopericytoma', in any language available, in all Document types. All cases of a renal origin were recorded, and the data extracted were: age, sex, symptoms at presentation, the size and weight of the tumours, the therapeutic methods used, and the outcome of each patient. When the article was not available the abstracts served as a source of information.The search produced 37 cases, and the present case is the 38th, and the second presenting with metastases. Follow-up information, with a mean (range) of 2.25 (0.25-11) years, was available for 18 patients. The review of reports for HPCs in general served as a source of information about the clinical behaviour, diagnostic examinations and the overall prognosis, as such data were scarce in the available articles for tumours in the kidney.
AGE AND SEXThe mean (median, range) age of the patients at the time of the initial diagnosis and surgical operation was 40.3 (39,