This study is based on the examination of so-called bleeding polyps of the nasal fossa in an effort to determine whether they are nonspecific edematous polyps associated with dilatation of the vessels and secondary hemorrhage, or fibroangiomas, or whether they may be classified as pyogenic granulomas.As far as the literature is concerned, no general agreement has been reached as to the nature of the so-called bleeding polyps of the nasal fossa. The principal point of dissension is whether they are benign fibrovascular tumors or inflammatory masses.1 Most of the investigators have favored the neoplastic theory ; yet there are on record numerous instances of bleeding polyps of the nasal fossa diagnosed histologically as granulomas, as simple, nonspecific inflammatory masses or as granulation tissue. However, in 1936, Simonetta and Tavani2 were the first to show the similarity of the bleeding polyp of the nasal fossa to the pseudobotryomycoma, a synonym for granuloma pyogenicum.In the 5 cases here presented the lesions were clinically typical of bleeding polyps of the nasal fossa and were regarded as fibrovascular tumors. Careful microscopic analysis, however, led us to believe that these lesions revealed the histologic characteristics usually seen in cases of so-called granuloma pyogenicum. REPORT OF CASES CASE 1.\p=m-\A 16 year old boy complained of severe attacks of nosebleed occurring over a period of several days. A dark red polyp which bled on the slightest contact was seen arising from Kiesselbach's area. Further otolaryngologic and general physical examination gave negative results. The growth was removed This study was aided by a grant from the Otto Baer Fund. From the Departments of Pathology and Otolaryngology of the Michael Reese