Introduction: The use of social networks has been gaining strength in society; users are becoming more and more active, and every moment a new means of communication via the internet is emerging. This study aims to investigate: The tool of social networks and their use by nurses in patient exposure. The study is justified in view of the literary scarcity about the theme in question and the opportunity to promote bioethical reflections regarding the use of social networks by nurses in patient exposure. It was outlined as research problem: What is the experience of nurses about the use of social networks by nursing professionals involving the patient and / or family? Objectives: To understand the use of social networks by Nursing professionals to share facts / curiosities / information regarding patients under their care, Describe types of facts or information about patients that were shared on social networks (received or sent), by nursing professionals. Nursing, Discuss the ethical and professional implications of nursing staff to share data about their patients or family members. Method: Exploratory descriptive social research with qualitative approach. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to conduct interviews. After transcription, the interviews were worked based on thematic analysis, which consists in discovering the nuclei of meaning that makes up a communication whose presence or frequency mean something relevant to the object studied. For an analysis of meanings, the presence of certain themes denotes relevance structures, reference values, and behavioral models present or underlying in the discourse. To support the analysis, the theologian Leonardo Boff's theoretical framework was chosen, considering the value of symbolic representations in social studies from the perspective of care ethics. The study collaborators were nurses, students regularly enrolled in graduate studies at the University of São Paulo-EEUSP, who, after invitation, agreed to participate in the study. The ethical aspects of research involving human subjects were observed. Results: The study sample consisted of a total of 15 Nurses interviewed in which the following categories emerged: I Images of patients in critical situations, II Unaware of nursing professionals about legal issues in the use of social networks involving care, III A negligence on the part of nursing professionals linked to the lack of common sense and responsibility in the use of media and social networks. Conclusion: The study revealed that most participating nurses experienced some kind of sharing about content about patients assisted by nursing professionals in social networks. In addition, it was found that the imprudence on the part of professionals involved in improper exposure of patient images in the healthcare context is intrinsically focused on the lack of common sense and legal ignorance about the rules governing shared content on the Internet, but above all. of the ethical norms of the profession.