Treatment10% iodine in starch powder was applied to both axillae on a small cotton wool pad, after initially washing and drying the axillae with dry gauze. After 2 or 3 min, sweat from the glands in the central portion of the axillae had turned the starch iodine powder dark blue. The stained zone measured 4 x 6 cm. Under general anaesthesia, bilateral elliptical incisions were made in the axillae and placed transversely in the line of the skin crease. They were both 7 cm long and 3 cm wide at the centre. The skin edges were undercut by 1 cm on either side removing subcutaneous glandular tissue. Warm wet swabs were placed in the wounds and pressure applied for 5 min. Any remaining bleeding points were diathermied. After haemostasis the skin edges were apposed with interrupted silk mattress sutures and a light pressure dressing applied for the first 24 hr. The patient was then discharged from hospital and returned 8 days later for removal of his sutures (Fig. 1.). Wound healing was satisfactory and the operation caused minimal discomfort. The patient was delighted with the result and is symptom-free after a period of 9 months.Case 2. C.D.Male, aged 20, a university student, was referred from the Department of Dermatology at the Westminster Hospital following the demonstrated success of our first patient. This patient was an anxious, rather highly strung young man with generalized hyperhidrosis which was much worse in his axillae on 9 May 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.