as the main implementor of the many facets of this dual project. Without Christian, who is a member of our editing team, his many special skills including IT expertise and the competent support of Barbara Dzaja, then Office and Faculty Assistant at BIGSSS, the workshop and conference would not have proceeded so smoothly and enjoyably.We are grateful to Professor Jonathan Jansen and Cyrill Walters from South Africa for making time to came to Hannover, Germany, where Jonathan delivered a memorable keynote speech which we include as the prologue to this book. Jonathan Jansen, who is a household name in South African political and educational circles, holds many roles as the first black (coloured) Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State, Distinguished Professor of Education at Stellenbosch University, current President of the Academy of Science of South Africa, author of numerous books and weekly columnist of a South African national newspaper.Our warm thank-you goes to the 41 workshop participants including 11 early-career researchers who gave freely and generously of their time before the workshop to collectively produce working papers and when it came to producing this book, who again big-heartedly responded to many e-mails and requests despite their busy lives as senior or junior professionals connected to doctoral education.