The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of inclusion of cassava raw in the diet of lambs, partially replacing concentrate food in order to reduce production costs. The experiment was conducted at XXXXXX-XXXXX, in XXXXXXXX-XXX. 28 sheep were used in the Pantaneira race, 14 males and 14 females, mean age of 75 days, average weight 18.84 kg ± 2.02 for 65 days. The experimental design were in randomized blocks in a factorial method (2x2) with two factors, distributed in 7 females and 7 males. Received diets were: treatment 1 - control and treatment 2 - 10% Air Part of Cassava (PAM 10) replacing concentrate, comprising two factors. The economic analysis of animal performance demonstrated the lowest feeding costs, lower interest on working capital and higher net margin for the treatment PAM 10. These results allow us to conclude that inclusion of raw cassava in the diet of lambs in partial replacement of concentrate can result in higher profitability.