We report on new types of two-component one-dimensional dark solitons (DSs) in a model of a dual-core waveguide with normal group-velocity dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity in both cores, the coupling between which is dispersive too. In the presence of the dispersive coupling, quiescent DSs supported by the zero-frequency background are always gray, being stable with the out-of-phase background, i.e., for opposite signs of the fields in the cores. On the contrary, the background with a nonzero frequency supports quiescent black solitons which may be stable for both out-and in-phase backgrounds, if the dispersive coupling is sufficiently strong. Only DSs supported by the out-of-phase background admit an extension to the case of nonzero phase mismatch between the cores.Dark solitons (DSs) are fundamental modes in media where signs of nonlinear and dispersive terms in the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, governing evolution of excitations, are opposite. DSs were predicted in Ref. [1] in the context of the mean-field theory of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), and obtained in the framework of the inverse scattering method in Ref. [2]. Experimentally, DSs were created in various physical systems, including optical fibers [3,4], and BEC [5].DSs exist also in coupled NLS equations, including models of dual-core optical couplers [6]. In the latter context, the inter-core coupling may be dispersive, like the cores themselves [7,8], the effect that was observed experimentally [9]. The dispersive coupling introduces new physics, as it links the temporal structure of optical pulses with their energy distribution between the cores, similar to the coupling of the translational and spinor degrees of freedom in spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) BECs [10]. In particular, the interplay of the SOC with the cubic selfattraction of the condensate allows to suppress collapse and leads to formation of stable two-dimensional (2D) bright solitons in the free space [11]. A similar mechanism produces stable families of spatiotemporal optical bright solitons in a dual-core planar waveguides with the Kerr self-focusing acting in each core [12]. SOC in selfrepulsive BECs in optical lattices supports vortex and half-vortex solitons [13]. Similarity of mathematical description of evolution of SOC BEC and light propagation in waveguides with dispersive coupling may allow transfer of many interesting concepts from the field of optics to matter wave systems, and vice versa.DSs in dispersively coupled waveguides were considered recently, mainly from the perspective of the design of switching devices [14,15]. DSs were also studied in SOC-BEC models [16,17], where, unlike in the optical setting, a trap potential is an inherent part of the physically relevant model. In the presence of the trapping potential DSs bifurcate from the first excited state of the potential in the linear limit [18,19]. The respective quiescent DSs represent nonlinear modes with zero intensity at the center [20] (black solitons, BSs).In this Letter, we introduce an essentially new...