Differential diagnosis between benign tumors of cutaneous appandages originating from hair follicle (BTCOHF) (trichoadenoma [TA], trichofolliculoma [TF], trichoepithelioma [TE] and trichoblastoma [TB]) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) have been tedious for the pathologists, especially in the presence of small specimens to date. Thirty cases of BTCOHF and 30 cases of BCC were retrieved from the archives, deposited from 2004 to 2008. Age, sex, localisation and histopathological characters such as ulceration, pigmentation, inflammation, and cyst formation were comparatively evaluated between both groups and each subgroups. No significant diference was detetected between two groups in the rate of the age, sex and the histopathology. Besides, histopathological characters were not significant for the subgroups of BCC. However, ulceration was observed in TE (Of 21 cases 5, [23.8%]) and TB (All the 5 cases, [100%]), but not in TA and TF which are the subgroups of BTCOHF and the difference was significant (p= 0,005). But, pigmentation, inflammation and cyst formation were not significant among the subgroups of both groups. We can conclude that BCC and BTCOHF may not be discriminated concerning age, sex and histopathological characters including ulceration, pigmentation, inflammation, and cyst formation. Secondly, one may not make the differential diagnosis easily even between the subgroups of each group via evaluating the histopathological characters, so that might create some life-threatening unwelcome outcomes.
Keywords: Basal cell carcinoma, Pigmentation, Inflammation, Histopathology
Histopatolojik karakterler Bazal Hücreli Karsinoma ile K›l Follikülünden Köken Alan Benign Deri Eki Tümörlerinin Ay›r›c› Tan›s›nda Yararl› OlamayabilirTrikoadenoma, trikofolliküloma, trikoepitelyoma ve trikoblastoman›n bazal hücreli karsinomadan ay›r›c› tan›s›, bugüne kadar özellikle küçük spesimenlerde patologlar için can s›k›c› ve usand›r›c› olmaya devam edegelmifltir. Otuz k›l follikülünden köken alan benign deri eki tümörleri olgusu ve 30 bazal hücreli karsinoma olgusu, 2004 -2008 y›llar› aras›nda depoland›¤› arflivden yeniden edinildi. Yafl, cinsiyet, lokalizasyon ve ülserasyon, pigmentasyon, inflamasyon ve kist formasyonu gibi histopatolojik karekterler her iki grup ve her subgrup aras›nda karfl›laflt›rmal› olarak de¤erlendirildi. Yafl, cinsiyet, lokalizasyon ve histopatoloji aç›s›ndan iki grup aras›nda anlaml› fark saptanmad›. Ayr›ca, histopatolojik karekterler bazal hücreli karsinoman›n subgruplar› için anlaml› de¤ildi. Bununla birlikte; ülse-rasyon, k›l follikülünden köken alan benign deri eki tümörlerinin subgruplar› olan trikoepitelyoma (21 olgunun 5'inde [%23.8]) ve trikoblastomada (5 olgunun tümünde [%100]) izlendi, ancak trikoadenoma ve trikofollikülomada izlenmedi ve bu fark anlaml› bulundu (p= 0.005). Pigmentasyon, inflamasyon ve kist formasyonu her iki grubun subgruplar› aras›nda anlaml› de¤ildi.