“…The nature of the reaction depends on the patient's response, the dose of the medication, repeated contact with the medication, and the simultaneous use of other medications. Medications involved in the development of an LDE include amplodepine, 5 captopril, enalapril, 6,7 propranalol, oxprenalol, labetolol, [8][9][10] gold salts 11 , immunoglobulin, 12note levamisole, 13 NSAIDs, 14 penicillamine, 15 imatinib mesylate, 16 streptomycin 14 simvastatin, 17 suramin, 18 rifampicin, 19 molecularly-biological [Correction added on 20 July, after first online publication: Dr. Shalaeva name has been corrected to Evgeniya V. Shalaeva. ] drugs, 20 antimalarial drugs, thiazide diuretics, furosemide, spironolactone, antituberculous drugs, 14 ketoconazole, and so forth.…”