Mycosis fungoides is a low-grade cutanous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) of unknown etiology. In advanced stages of CTCL, a shift in cytokine profile from T H 1 to T H 2 is observed, which coincides with eosinophilia, high levels of immunoglobulin E, and increased susceptibility to bacterial infections. It is, however, unknown why T H 2 cytokines predominate in advanced CTCL, and the cellular source of these cytokines also remains to be identified. In several leukemias and lymphomas, constitutively activated signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) signaling pathways have been detected. In a previous study, constitutive activation of Stat3 was found in tumor cells isolated from affected skin and blood from CTCL patients. Here, it is shown that CTCL tumor cell lines, but not nonmalignant cell lines, spontaneously produce interleukin-5 (IL-5), IL-6, and IL-13. Transfection of tumor cells with dominantnegative Stat3 almost completely blocks IL-5 production and strongly inhibits IL-13 production, whereas IL-6 production is unaffected. Thus, the data show that malignant CTCL cells themselves might contribute to the change in cytokine pattern accompanying progression of CTCL. In conclusion, constitutively activated Stat3 is found to mediate a spontaneous IL-5 production and regulate IL-13 production in CTCL cell lines, pointing toward a new role of Stat3 in malignant transformation. (Blood. 2002;99:973-977)