Case of combined nevus showing a speckled distribution patternDear Editor, Combined nevus or melanocytic nevus with phenotypic heterogeneity is either a congenital or acquired melanocytic nevus containing two or more distinct melanocytic nevus components, including common acquired nevus, congenital nevus, dysplastic nevus, blue nevus, Spitz nevus, deep penetrating nevus and plexiform pigmented spindle cell nevus. 1 The clinical manifestations of combined nevi are closely related to the types of predominant cellular populations. 1 Because the morphological features of combined nevi are not yet comprehensively understood, combined nevi are often misdiagnosed as blue nevi or even melanomas. We encountered a case of combined nevus showing a speckled distribution pattern.A 25-year-old Japanese man was referred to us with a 10year history of speckled macular/papular lesion on the abdomen, which resulted from a homogeneous bluish macule at birth. Physical examination revealed an ovoid-shaped, faintly bluish lesion measuring 53 mm 9 20 mm on the abdomen with