Two plumage-color types of Japanese quail were used to compare the meat production potentialities using five selective microsatellite markers. A total number of birds was 189 for the two plumage-colors of quail [(Brown 114; 49 males, and 65 females), and (Golden 75; 42 males, and 33 females)], were used. Phenotypic data were live body weight at day1 (BW0) and measured weekly till the end of six' weeks of age (BW6). The weight gain was calculated for intervals. The analysis of variance for live body weight at different age's data revealed that there was a highly significant difference on BW between plumage-color types (Br, and Gd) at the day1 of age (P≥0.001). At the 6 th week of age (BW6), there was an interaction effect between the plumage-color type and sex where the females of the Br were highest weight (226.92± 3.75) compared to others (P≥0.05). Considering the weight gain trait, the results revealed that the plumage-color type had significant effect (P≥0.05) on weight gain at the early age (from day1 to the end of the 1 st week, WG0-1), and WG1-2. On molecular technique basis, a total of twenty alleles were discovered across the two types of quails. The average of alleles per locus over loci and plumage-color types was 3.30 ±0.15 alleles. Only one private allele at 170bp with allele frequency 0.06 was present in Br for the locus GUJ0029. The polymorphic information content (PIC) average is 0.46 with the values ranging from 0.34 at locus GUJ0063 to 0.61 at locus GUJ0023. In addition, the inter-population genetic differentiation coefficient (GST) ranged from 0.0 of locus GUJ0077 to 0.077 of locus GUJ0029, and the inter-population genetic variation accounted for 3.6% of the total genetic variation. The variance among, and within individuals was observed as 93% and 7% of respectively by using AMOVA. Moreover, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium among the five loci was assessed. In spite of the fact that GUJ0077 locus was an exceptionally significant (P≥0.001) for Gd, it was not for Br. In like manner, the GUJ0059 locus was significant (P≥0.05) in Gd yet not in Br. Nevertheless, the general linear model analysis showed significant association in Gd between the locus GUJ0063 not only with live body weight at BW0 (P≥ 0.05), but with gain weight at W2, and W4 also (P≥ 0.05). Whereas, in Br type, the locus GUJ0029 was associated with BW5 (P≥ 0.01) and BW6 (P≥ 0.05). In addition, the same locus associated with weight gain at W1 (P≥ 0.05), and W2 (P≥ 0.01). Which exposed that both of GUJ0029, and GUJ0063 loci linked with the gene(s) that responsible regulator for quails' live body weight. In conclusion, these findings of this study confirm that the association between plumage-color and productive traits have prevailed and sanctioned by using the molecular markers.