“…(1) Circulatory disturbances: the presence of circulatory disturbances in small vessels in the initial stage of the disease has been presented by many authors (Robinson 1888, Lévy-Franckel and Juster 1928, Wright 1929, Monacelli and Montesano 1933, Puglisi 1937, Klingmiiller 1958, Masumizu 1960, and Cormia and Ernyey 1961. Further, on the presence of arterial changes in the upper fat tissue, there have been at least two reports: Robinson (1888) has noticed fibrinous thrombi in the artery in the upper fat tissue; has reported that changes in the intima at the bifurcation of the arteries in the Lewis' cutaneous arterial plexus arc observed sometimes in the initial stage.…”