An electrochemical procedure for preparing chromophore-catalyst assemblies on oxide electrode surfaces by reductive vinyl coupling is described. On core/shell SnO 2 /TiO 2 nanoparticle oxide films, excitation of the assembly with 1 sun (100 mW cm −2 ) illumination in 0.1 M H 2 PO 4 − /HPO 4 2− at pH 7 with an applied bias of 0.4 V versus SCE leads to water splitting in a DSPEC with a Pt cathode. Over a 5 min photolysis period, the core/shell photoanode produced O 2 with a faradaic efficiency of 22%. Instability of the surface bound chromophore in its oxidized state in the phosphate buffer leads to a gradual decrease in photocurrent and to the relatively modest faradaic efficiencies.T he dye-sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell (DSPEC), which incorporates electrode architectures similar to those used in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), 1,2 integrates molecular chromophores and catalysts with a high band gap semiconductor oxide electrode for water splitting into O 2 and H 2 or for CO 2 reduction to a reduced carbon fuel. 3−7 In exploiting the initial, seminal work of Fujishima and Honda, 8 a DSPEC integrates molecular light absorption and catalysis with the bandgap properties of oxide semiconductors to extend light absorption into the visible and utilize chemical catalysis of solar fuel half reactions. A variety of DSPEC configurations have appeared in the literature, 9−15 but low overall solar energy conversion efficiencies as well as poor long-term stability remain a central challenge.Examples of DSPEC water splitting have been reported based on carboxylate-, 13 phosphonate-, 14,16 or siloxyl-derivatized 12 surface binding and by preformed, covalently linked chromophore-catalyst assemblies. 9 Additional surface binding strategies have been explored including embedding molecular components in polymer film coatings 10,15 and "layer-by-layer" assemblies with Zr(IV)-phosphonate bridges. 17,18 Use of preformed assemblies offers synthetic control and well-defined structures but, typically, requires laborious multiple-step synthetic procedures resulting in low overall yields. Based on earlier procedures for preparing cross-linked electropolymerized films by reductive coupling of vinylderivatized polypyridyl complexes, 19 electroassembly offers the advantage of on-surface synthesis without prior covalent bond formation.Electropolymerization has been used to form electroactive thin films on a variety of conducting and semiconducting substrates, including metal oxides. 20,21 It provides a basis for preparing controlled surface coverages, 22,23 multicomponent and layered structures, 19,22,23 and electrocatalytic films, 21,24,25 including films for electrocatalytic water oxidation. 22 Photoelectrochemical oxidation of iodide and hydroquinone in electropolymerized Ru(II) polypyridyl films has also been reported. 26 In a recent report, we described an extension of the vinyl reduction/C−C coupling chemistry used in cross-linked films to the preparation of electroassemblies within the cavities of nanoparticle and mesoscopi...