to cause MM. 4 Similarly, although this woman had a PTPN11 mutation, there has been no previous report describing the development of MM in patients with a germline PTPN11 mutation. 1 In this context, it is noteworthy that both BRAF and PTPN11 are involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade relevant to the development of MM. 1,4 It is possible, therefore, that the somatic BRAF mutation took place in apparently normal but germline PTPN11 mutation-positive skin tissue, resulting in the development of MM because of a drastic perturbation of the MAPK signalling. This notion would explain why MM arose from an apparently naevi-free region at an old age, because such a somatic mutation would occur in both naevi-positive and -negative skin tissues in an agedependent fashion.One may argue that while the BRAF mutation activates the MAPK signalling, 4,5 recent studies have shown that LS-associated PTPN11 mutations impair catalytic functions and exert dominant negative effects, in contrast to NS-and neoplasiaassociated PTPN11 mutants that exert gain-of-function effects with excessive phosphatase activities. 1,8 Indeed, the NS-and neoplasia-associated mutations and the LS-associated mutations are mutually exclusive. 1 However, despite the marked difference in in vitro functions of the PTPN11 mutants, LS and NS share similar clinical features, 1 and are sometimes associated with malignant diseases such as leukaemia and neuroblastoma. [1][2][3]9 Thus, NS-and neoplasia-associated PTPN11 mutants and LS-associated PTPN11 mutants may have a common functional perturbation in vivo that could raise the predisposition to malignant lesions. In addition, the novel PTPN11 mutation might have a specific tumorigenic effect. Further studies will determine whether or not PTPN11 mutation-positive LS is a risk factor for the development of MM.