Letter to Dermatology 3 -and ␥ 2 -chains from the squamous carcinoma cell line SCC25), recombinant 230-kDa BP antigen (BP230) and 180-kDa BP antigen (BP180; baculoprotein expression system) as previously described [4] . By ELISA, there was strong IgG reactivity against laminin 332 and reactivity against a distinct BP180 epitope (midportion of the BP180 ectodomain, aa residues 809-1106). The lesion healed with topical corticosteroids. Three years later, the patient was in complete remission, and a control ELISA no longer showed IgG reactivity against laminin 332, BP180 or BP230 antigens.
Case 2A 74-year-old man had a 2-year history of erosions and crusts of the scalp. At presentation, he had an erosive and crusty lesion 10 cm in diameter on the top of his head while other parts of the body or mucous membranes were not affected ( fig. 1 b). The biopsy showed actinic damage of the epidermis; the diagnosis of actinic keratosis was established, and the lesion was treated with liquid nitrogen with only temporary effect. A second biopsy of lesional skin showed subepidermal cleavage and an inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and histiocytes in the dermis suggestive of CP ( fig. 1 c). DIF of lesional skin was negative, IIF on monkey oesophagus showed granular antinuclear auto-antibodies at a titre of 1: 80 and weak linear positivity with anti-IgG, -A and -M antibodies; salt split skin was negative. By ELISA, the patient's serum showed IgG reactivity against laminin 332. Topical treatment with corticosteroids led to a temporary healing of the lesion. Two years later, the patient still needs intermittent topical corticosteroid treatment.
DiscussionBrunsting-Perry pemphigoid typically affects elderly men as multiple erosive and scarring lesions in the head and neck region, rarely as a solitary plaque [5] . In case of a solitary lesion the diagnosis may be extremely difficult. These cases can be misdiagnosed as actinic keratosis, pyoderma or dermatitis artefacta. The lesion is often eroded; thus, no subepidermal blister is detected, eosinophils are usually absent, immunofluorescence studies, if done, can be negative.A case of Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid similar to ours with a solitary lesion of the scalp was described by Poon and McGrath [6] , which was negative by DIF and IIF. Monihan et al. [7] described 3 cases of CP simulating basal cell carcinoma. Murata et al. [8] detected immunoglobulin deposits between basal keratinocytes and the lamina lucida of the dermal-epidermal junction by immuno-electron microscopy in a case of Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid supporting the concept that this disorder is closely related to CP.
Key WordsAuto-immune bullous diseases ؒ Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid ؒ Cicatricial pemphigoid ؒ Laminin 332 A scarring disease localized to the head and neck without mucosal involvement, described by Brunsting and Perry in 1957 [1] , is considered as a variant of cicatricial pemphigoid (CP), bullous pemphigoid (BP) or epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA), although the target antigen has not yet be...