and culturally negative. Phenolsulphonphthalein appeared from the left catheter in three minutes in good concentration, and from the right in six minutes with much lessened concentration. Roiiitgenograms with catheters in place showed the catheter on the left side ascending in a normal position. The catheter on the right side crossed to the midline at about the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra and ascended upward to the level of the third lumbar vertebra, where it reached the pelvis of the lower half of the fused kidney. Bilateral pyelograms showed complete rotation of both kidneys with hydronephrosis. Subsequent to pelvic lavage, the urine from both kidneys was sterile on culture. The former incontinence entirely disappeared.Eye examination five months later showed normal vision in both eyes, though the field of vision still showed a distinct gap corresponding to a lesion in the retina. 601 Walnut Street.Of the various methods now in use to destroy birthmarks, that of electrocoagulation in the treatment of nevus pigmentosus et pilosus verrucosus seems particularly successful.Although radium and carbon dioxide snow therapy give the best results in the removal of angiomatous nevi, and surgical excision, cautery or electrolysis yield equally good results in Fig. 1.-Appearance of growth, May 13, 1925, before treatment.the removal of the fibromatous types, the methods for removing the particular type here described ( fig. 1) are practically limited to surgical excision with skin grafts or electrocoagulation.Having observed the results obtained by the former method in several instances, I am, by comparison, particularly pleased with the outcome in this case.REPORT OF CASE E. B., a girl, aged 10 months, when first seen, May 13, 1925, presented a rather large, black, pigmented and hairy nevus, 6 inches in diameter in all axes, extending up into the scalp, over the left cheek to within one-half inch of the nose, and encircling the outer canthus of the left eye. The anterior and posterior surfaces of the left ear also were involved. Many areas, especially that portion on the left cheek nearest the midline around the eye, as well as the lower portion of the kit ear, were verrucous. It had been present since birth without change. The baby was normal in other respects. Roentgenograms of the chest and abdomen were negative, and neither parent had any similar growth.